Africa Rail 2023Products & Services BRB Swivel Arm

BRB Swivel Arm

Blaschke Exhaust Extraction Systems

The significant feature of the BRB Swivel Arm is its runway structure consisting of two parallel slotted aluminium rails that are mounted vertically on the wall or columns of the building. Between the rails travel one or more trolleys with an up to 6 m long swivel arm made of a galvanised steel duct. An electric height adjustable hood is fixed at the end of the duct. The slewing range reaches nearly 180° degrees. As it covers the entire length of the track, it provides maximum flexibility.
Further reading

Mobile BRB Swivel Arm with fixed height adjustable capture hood at its end.

Mobile BRB Swivel Arm travelling between two slotted aluminium rails.

BRB Swivel Arm moving along the entire length of the track.

Mobile BRB Swivel Arm with fixed height adjustable capture hood at its end.

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